What should I do once I receive stainless steel sheet imperfections?
Though we ensure a high pass rate of stainless steel sheet thanks to our strict quality control system, there may be some imperfections found owing to the minor incidents occurring during the shipment. In such cases, customers should take some photos of the product with a focus on the imperfections. Once we have confirmed the fact with you through email or phone, we will rapidly ship another product with premium quality to guarantee your interests. Customers can also check out our warranty policy to learn about our compensation terms and conditions.

East King Steel (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. Stainless Steel is always a banner in the trend of stainless steel products development. According to the material, East King Steel's products are divided into several categories, and stainless steel coil is one of them. The design of East King Steel stainless steel tube adopts 3D design technology. This is done by using a special program, such as Matrix 3D Jewelry Design Software. The product is characterized by outstanding flexibility. The product can slightly support the arch when wearers are walking, ideal for people who have arch and forefoot discomfort. It has good dimensional stability after molding.

East King Steel is committed to the following 304 stainless steel tubing to realized its corporate vision. Get more info!

East King Steel (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. Stainless Steel is always a banner in the trend of stainless steel products development. According to the material, East King Steel's products are divided into several categories, and stainless steel coil is one of them. The design of East King Steel stainless steel tube adopts 3D design technology. This is done by using a special program, such as Matrix 3D Jewelry Design Software. The product is characterized by outstanding flexibility. The product can slightly support the arch when wearers are walking, ideal for people who have arch and forefoot discomfort. It has good dimensional stability after molding.

East King Steel is committed to the following 304 stainless steel tubing to realized its corporate vision. Get more info!
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